Sign the VA Budget Shortfall Petition

Over 7 million of our veterans could experience a lapse in their benefits at the end of the month. 

Congress found that the VA has spent nearly $15 million over its allotted budget, and their excuses for overspending don’t add up.

VA blames increased privatization in part, but this is not an unforeseeable occurrence; for years we’ve been warning VA about the high costs and risks to quality care associated with privatization.  VA says that staffing levels are higher than expected, but staffing shortages, hiring freezes, and even forced reassignments are the norm at VA medical centers across the country. And now, our veterans may have to pay for the VA’s mistakes. That’s not acceptable. 

If this budget crisis isn’t remedied by September 20th, 7 million veterans could lose their benefits starting October 1st with no word on when they would be reinstated. 

That’s why we need to speak out. Add your voice now: Join us in urging our elected leaders to prioritize remedying this shortfall so that VA workers can continue providing care for our nation’s heroes. 

In solidarity,  AFGE National VA Council

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