
June 2014 CVO Meeting @ National Veterans Art Museum
Jun 21 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

The Coalition of Veterans Organizations (CVO) will meet on  Saturday, June 21, from 10 AM to 12:30 PM, on the North side of Chicago at the National Veterans Art Museum (NVAM) at 4041 N Milwaukee Ave in Chicago. We are very excited to be meeting there and to find such a fine venue as we move our meeting around to meet the needs of different veterans.


There is plenty of paid parking on the street and in the parking lot west off of Milwaukee Ave on Cuyler. There is free parking in the Sears lot across Cicero.

The agenda will start with a Power Point presentation on the CVO Veterans Program by the Chair, Dr. Bruce Parry. This is a great opportunity to learn more about what CVO does and to discuss our next steps.


We’ll be discussing the current crisis in the VA, the Crisis Hot Line campaign, the success of the recent Fundraiser and the success at the Memorial Day Parade.

There will be a tour of the museum at the end of the meeting.


As usual, coffee and donuts will be served! See you there!

Free October CPR Class for vets @ American Red Cross The Rauner Center
Oct 21 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Right to Heal VA Campaign Veteran & Community Meeting @ Jesse Brown VA Medical Center
Apr 14 @ 2:30 pm

Right to Heal VA Campaign
Veteran & Community Meeting
2:30PM | Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Right to Heal VA Campaign (RTH) has been on the move and we want to get you more involved. On Saturday, April 14th, at the Jesse Brown VA, we are hosting a Veteran & Community Meeting to do just that.

What: Veteran & Community Meeting
Where: Vision Conference Room, Second Floor, Damen Building
Jesse Brown VA, 820 S Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60612
When: 2:30PM | Saturday, April 14, 2018
RSVP by mailing Right to Heal <> or join the event on Facebook

At this meeting we will share our plans to build the campaign locally and how we are working to coordinate nationally. We also want to hear from you on why you want to join the fight to save the VA from privatization. RSVP today to join us at our Veteran & Community Meeting.

Since our March 1st program we have been busy! Hundreds of you called your representatives on our Save the VA Call In Day; We had delegations visit staffers at Senator Durbin’s, Senator Duckworth’s, and Representative Quigley’s Offices;  With SEIU Healthcare and AFGE 789 we demanded that Rear Adm. Jackson and President Trump state unequivocally that the Administration will not pursue an agenda to privatize the VA in anyway shape or form; We hosted a panel on the issues and our campaign at the Labor Notes Conference; And we’ve gotten press coverage in a handful of great outlets. But we still have our work cut out for us.

With all the turmoil resulting from Secretary Shulkin’s dismissal and Trump’s overt plans to privatize the VA, now is the time to get organized. Join the fight to save the VA. RSVP today to join us at our Veteran & Community Meeting.

RSVP by emailing Right to Heal <> or join the event on Facebook

The Right to Heal VA Campaign (RTH) at Jesse Brown VA @ Jesse Brown VA Hospital
May 17 @ 4:30 pm

rth_bannerThe Right to Heal VA Campaign (RTH) is calling on all veterans that care about saving the VA to join us tomorrow at a hearing on VA privatization and why it is not the solution. At the hearing we will make a call to action and announce an informational picket and press conference at Federal Plaza on Friday. Details below.

Call to Action & Workers’ Rights Board Hearing

Where: Conference Room, Second Floor, Damen Building
Jesse Brown VA, 820 S Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60612
When: 4:30PM | Thursday, May 17, 2018
RSVP by mailing Right to Heal <> or join the event on Facebook

On May 17th, join us as the Right to Heal Campaign announces a call to action and next steps in the fight to unite veterans and VA workers to save the VA and fight back against privatization. After the announcement the Workers’ Rights Board will hold a hearing to discuss what VA privatization would mean for veterans. The hearing will feature experts in the field of VA care, veterans speaking to their experience of using both the VA and the private sector, and VA employees who have dedicated their lives to serving veterans.

Save The VA Press Conference and Informational Picket
Where: Federal Center and Plaza, 219 S Dearborn St, Chicago, Illinois 60603
When: 10AM | Friday, May 18, 2018
RSVP by mailing Right to Heal <> or join the event on Facebook

The Save The VA Coalition and the Right To Heal VA Campaign will be holding an emergency press conference and informational picket to oppose H.R. 5674. The bill backed by the Trump adminstration and the Koch front group, Concerned Veterans of America would expand private healthcare vouchers at the expense of the VA healthcare system and give unprecedented powers to the VA secretary to make drastic changes, including authority to outsource/privatize services of VA healthcare without oversight or congressional approval.

With the firing of VA Secretary David Shulkin for not advancing a privatization agenda quickly enough and with continued disarray within the Trump administration in finding a replacement for Shulkin, we believe it is the worst possible time to give Trump such powers to change VA healthcare. We will be demanding that Senator Duckworth and Durbin hold the line against these terrible bills and vote no on these bills and other efforts to privatize the VA.

RSVP by emailing Right to Heal <> or join the events on Facebook Right to Heal Hearing at the Jesse Brown VA & Save the VA Press Conference at Federal Plaza.

Veterans & VA Workers
United to Save the VA!

June 2019 CVO Meeting @ Jesse Brown VA Hospital
Jun 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
June 2019 CVO Meeting @ Jesse Brown VA Hospital
The next meeting of CVO will be this Wednesday, June 19th at 7 PM in the 2nd floor Conference Room of the Jesse Brown VA at 820 S Damen in Chicago.

Our Chairman and Treasurer will be absent, so the election of officers will take place at the Board meeting to be held at 6 PM on July 17, prior to the regular meeting.
We will discuss the latest developments in getting HR 96 – Dental Care for ALL Veterans – voted on and passed in the House of Representatives..… and MORE!!
As usual, we will have refreshments. Parking in the garage will be validated. Get your validation when you arrive!

See you there!
July 2019 CVO Meeting @ Jesse Brown VA Hospital
Jul 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
July 2019 CVO Meeting @ Jesse Brown VA Hospital

The next meeting of CVO will be held this Wednesday, July 17th, at 7 PM at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center (820 S Damen in Chicago) in the 2nd floor Conference Room. Show up early to make sure we begin on time and to get refreshments!

The Agenda will include presentations of Member Organizations and Committees. We will discuss the plans for CVO for the next year and how each of us can participate.

As always, refreshments will be served and parking in the garage will be validated. Get your parking validation at the main desk when you arrive to help keep it simple.

See you there!!